Monday, September 22, 2008

House warming gift for Susan - 28 breeds of dog

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
It took me nearly 1 year to finish this 28 breeds of dog which I have combined 3 separate charts from Jeremiah Junction into 1 piece- I Love Dogs 1, 2 & 3 into a single piece artwork. It is almost 5ft long!

My initial plan is to have it stitch and hang it in my living hall. But after thought, I think I should give it to someone who loves dog.

When Susan (my sister in law) told us that she is moving to another house, and invite us to visit her in Singapore. Without hesitation, I gave it to her as the house warming gift. I believe she is the most rightful person to have this, because she is an extremist dog lovers.

Susan, me and her pet dog - Bissue (mixed of Dalmatian & Boxer)
You would notice spots on her neck, face, and paws. A very intelligent dog.